Fuse Metric History Report

Publish a detailed history report of selected metrics (DCMA) that shows the metrics vertically and the history of results for snapshots as columns so you can see months/years of data.

The report includes the metric ID and name as well as the values for all included snapshots of the project being reported. Scenarios are not included in the report.

When you select this option in the menu, a dialog box displays so that you can select the project you want to use. You can run the report for one project at a time and the results are published to a Microsoft Excel workbook. All metrics that have the Publish Metric option selected on the Metrics tab in Acumen are published.

  • A red cell with a T (true), number, or percentage indicates that the metric failed.
  • A green cell with an F (false), number, or percentage indicates that the metric did not fail.
  • A gray cell with -, 0, 1%, or -1% indicates that the data that was needed for the evaluation wasn't available. The metric didn't pass or fail - it wasn't even evaluated.
  • The X and % columns are the results for the Primary and Secondary formulas respectively. This is the same data that you see on the S2 // Diagnostics tab